Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Sarah Jones POV

It was another boring day at the office. I had been working on a project for the past five hours. I needed a stretch. As I streched my arms, my eyes caught sight of the camera on my office wall and an epic idea crossed my mind.
Time for entertainment.

I emailed Jason.

His reply almost came back immediately.

"What? And my name is Jason. If you cannot even spell it correctly, I think I should fire you. Also it is Sir for you, at least in the office hours."


I waited for some minutes to pass. I was not going to reply him back. Another email came.

I knew I had gained his attention and he most probably would be looking right back at me.

Fighting a grin on my face, I started to sway my chair, even dragging it across the table, swirling from one corner of the room to another and even managing to look at the camera all the time.

I am a pro at killing boredom.

When I was sure I had had enough break from my project, I resumed back my position and work. I had ten unread emails from Jason, all with the same context.
"Stop swinging the chair."

All my chirpiness and cool vibes escaped me as soon as I was met with the sight of a new wooden chair in my office, which apparently would not even budge from it's place lest swing.

Not to add the fact that the chair was physically disabled and thus lacked arms.

I sighed. Great, I guess I am facing Jason's wrath.

A week.
A week of endless misery and that too at the hand of a non living wooden chair. I could not even sit a moment more on that piece of obnoxious furniture and not fear that I might end up handicapped myself or worse become a frozen statue which Jason would glady show his emplyees and tell them '

'This is what happens when you do not obey your boss.'

"Sir, I would like to ask you if you could replace the chair in my office."

Jason looked at me amusingly but kept quiet. Devilous snake.

Only if man slaughter wasn't a crime.

"Jason, tell me where my previous chair is right now."

'I swear I cannot even tell you where it aches.' I muttered to myself but the grin on Jason's face was a tell tale he heard that too.

"Oh, you don't know where it aches? Thank God, I was good in science. Want me to name them for you?
Perhaps it might be your spine, the lumbar vertebrae or the coccyx or maybe your pelvic bones, ilium, ischium or the pubis."

If I were a dragon, I would have spit fire on him.
But wasn't there a fire within me, should I try burning him?
You would only end up drooling. My conscience reminded me.

I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Jason where is my chair?"

"I have no idea."

Enough with 'be calm, it's my boss'

"Five minutes Jason. Five minutes to get that crap of a furniture out of my office or else I am taking your chair." I growled at him and left his office.

Despite that I got my sweetheart swinging chair back but working here was no fun. Jason made sure of that.
I had not forgotten how I had decided to make Jason's life hell. Soon enough, he was going to have some fun.

Some days later

Today was Sunday, but I had to come to the office to exhibit my plan.
Revenge begins.

I painted his entire office pink, the walls, the roof, even his desk.
Too bad the floor was wooden.

Feeling extra generous, I even painted a giant mural over his glass windows. The very same one I had mistook for mirrors.
Now dare look at everyone, you conniving devil.

Then I proceeded to change the alignment and sequence of the files and stationery placed on his desk. Also, I rotated the only painting he had in his office to an entire one eighty degrees.

Since, I possessed such a kind heart. I could not leave the floor as such. Hence, I littered it with sand and the empty wrappers of my favorite snacks.

Yeah I had been saving them.

Finally I took a last glance at my piece of art. Magnificent. Never knew I had such potential in abstract arts.

Jason was going to have a heart attack.
Monday Morning

No way was I going to miss how Jason was going to react to the lovely spectacular art awaiting him in his office. So, here I sat exactly an hour earlier in my office.
Soon enough, I saw him going to his office followed by his screams and surprisingly curses too.

"No, this is not my office, gasps, no, no, this cannot be, hell no... Sarah! You are fired! Darn it."

Mission accomplished.


I was not going to my job for the past week, deep down I know it has got nothing to do with how Jason reacted that day, but maybe it has exactly to do with it. After yelling in his office, he silently left.

I expected him to confront me, to yell at me, to pour his rage over me, say it on my face that I was finally fired, but he did none. He just left, but not before giving a single glance my way through the glass window. Hurt, his glance held hues of hurt, masking over the remains of fury.

All I felt at that moment was disappointment, not at him but at myself. I understood what his silence meant. He did not come to me because he did not want to pour his anger on me.
He cared enough. He always cared more than enough. Even when I had failed him, he was gentleman enough to not let his anger overcome him. He did not hurt me despite his power and authority. He respected me enough that he left.

It was useless denying that his proximity affected me.
Jason affected me in ways I did not want to acknowledge yet.


Author's Note
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