Chapter 47

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Emma POV

“Mason, please.” I sighed for the millionth time today. “I will be okay. You can go shower and change.”

“Not happening.” he said.

We have been fighting about this for the past hour. He wanted to take a shower and change his clothes, but he didn’t want to leave me, which was silly because the bathroom was adjacent to my room. He would be right here the whole time.

“You stink.” I said, trying to get him to go.

He really didn’t.

“No, I don’t.” he said, scrolling through his phone.

“Yes.” I insisted.









“I am not leaving you!” he said stubbornly as he looked up at me.

“You won’t leave me.” I said softly. “You will be back in 10 minutes.”

“Emma.” he whined.

“Come on.” I smiled. “You are going to stink up the place.”

“No, I won’t.” he grunted, standing up.

“Yes, you will.” I chuckled.





“I did not miss this.” he sighed, walking toward the door.

I laughed and shook my head. I knew he did, just like me. I missed this terribly. I missed him terribly.

Mason opened the door and peeked outside.

“Chris.” I heard him say, and furrowed my eyebrows.

What was Chris doing here? Were Jax and Hazel here as well? Why was he calling Chris anyway? Did he want him to babysit me while he was in the shower? Knowing Mason, that was probably the case. I sighed internally, but I was glad that he cared so much.

I heard footsteps approaching and Mason whispered something to Chris.

Mason opened the door, and Chris walked inside the room. His eyes found mine, and he smiled. My stomach did a flip and my body warmed up.

He was so beautiful when he smiled.

“I will be right back.” Mason said, walking to his bag and taking out a change of clothes. “If anything happens, come and get me right away.”

Chris nodded, not taking his eyes away from mine.

The temperature in the room was rising rapidly.

“Chris?” Mason called him, and Chris broke the eye contact.

I could finally breathe normally.

“Yes?” Chris asked, looking at Mason.

“Did you hear what I said?” Mason sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I did.” Chris nodded. “Don’t worry. She will be okay. Go take a shower.”

“Remember what I told you, Chris.” Mason said, narrowing his eyes. “I will beat your ass if you ignore me.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. What did Mason tell him? And why would he beat his ass?

“Yes, Mason.” Chris sighed, taking a few steps toward me. “I like my ass as it is. Don’t worry.”

“Fine.” Mason mumbled, walking to me.

He kissed the top of my head and took a deep breath.

“I will be right back.” he mumbled. “Call me if you need anything, okay?”

“I will be fine, Massy.” I smiled at him. “Don’t worry.”

Mason walked to the bathroom. He shot another glare at Chris before he closed the door.

Chris looked at me, and I forgot how to breathe again.

I liked my brother’s best friend.

Well, shit.

Mason wouldn’t be happy about that. Not to mention that Chris probably didn’t feel the same. I should get a grip on my emotions before I embarrass myself.

“Hi, Em.” Chris said softly as he walked closer to me.

“Hi.” I smiled at him.

“Can I hug you?” he asked quietly.

I nodded, and a second later his hands were wrapped around me. My head was pressed against his chest, and I could hear his heartbeat. He smelled amazing, and I just wanted to burry my nose into his shirt and take a deep breath.

But I didn’t. Because that would be really weird.

“I am so glad that you are okay.” Chris mumbled, burying his nose into my hair. “I was so scared.”

My heart skipped a beat. I liked the way he was holding me.

“How are you?” he asked, letting go of me and sitting down on the chair next to the bed. “Are you in pain?”

He took my hand in his and rubbed small circles on my palm. I was sure that my face was as red as a tomato.

“I am okay.” I said, giving him a small smile.

He smiled and tightened his grip on my hand. The way he was looking at me made my heart beat funny. I was really hoping that he couldn’t read the machines around me because it would make my feelings very obvious. I glanced at the machine to my right. Nothing was different. Maybe it was just a feeling.

Chris followed my gaze, and his eyebrows furrowed.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “Does your chest hurt? Should I go get the doctor?”

“I am okay.” I said as I looked back at him. “It’s just weird being hooked on these all the time.”

“It won’t be for long.” he said and gave me a small smile. “You will be out of here very soon.”

I smiled and looked down on our joined hands. A pleasant shiver went up and down my body.

“Are Jax and Hazel here as well?” I asked, trying to distract myself from the fact that he was holding my hand.

“They went to shower, change, and get something to eat.” Chris said. “They will be back soon.”

“What about you?” I asked, looking back up at him. “Why didn’t you leave with them?”

“I couldn’t.” he mumbled quietly, not taking his eyes away from mine.

Okay, was someone constantly turning up the heat in the room? What was going on?!

“I need to be close to you.” he added quietly, looking down at our hands.

Okay, the way my heart was beating right now had to be shown on the machine.

I was struggling with what to say. It had to be because of Mason, right? He was Mason’s best friend, and I was his sister. He was worried because of Mason. Right?

He lifted my hand slowly and placed a soft kiss on it.

I was gone. I was melting down. Would somebody just turn the heat down?!

The bathroom door opened, and Mason stepped back into the room. His eyes darted to my hand in Chris’, and he narrowed his eyes.

Chris gave me a small smile and let my hand go. He leaned back in the chair he was sitting on.

Mason walked to me, sat down on the bed, and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He kissed the top of my head and looked at Chris.

“Thank you for taking care of her.” he said.

“You don’t have to thank me for that.” Chris said, looking at me. “I will always take care of her.”

How much heat can a human survive?

Mason mumbled something I couldn’t understand, while sending daggers at Chris.

“I saw Peters walking out of the room.” Chris said, ignoring Mason's glare completely. “Did he tell you something about that fucker?”

“Is it okay if I tell him?” Mason asked, looking down at me.

I nodded and made myself comfortable in Mason’s arms.

Mason started talking, and I distracted myself by studying Chris’ beautiful face.

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