Chapter 9

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I just wanted to take a quick moment to thank everyone who has supported me through this and all my new readers out there! Sharing my work with others isn't easy, but hearing how much you enjoy it makes it worth it. Thank you!

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I turned to the direction of the agonized cry. It wasn't close. It must have come from the village. I recognized the deep tenor of the roar. Zellar. If he was in that much pain, he was going to be trouble. They were going to need me.

On pure instinct, I opened my mouth to call for Elesor--then I caught sight of Prince Camden looking around for the source of the cry. I wasn't alone and Elesor wouldn't be able to take us there as quickly as I wanted.

"Jobe!" I called instead, whirling to the large gray dragon. "I need a lift!"

The dragon was at my side in an instant. They'd all heard the roar too; they knew it was a dragon in pain. Soft moans echoed throughout the nest in compassion for the dragon.

"Wait!" the prince shouted, following me until I climbed up Jobe's side and settled between two horns. "You're riding bareback? That's crazy! You'll be thrown off."

"No, you'll be thrown off," I snapped viciously, not forgetting what he had said to me only moments ago. "Jobe, grab him. I don't have time for spoiled brats."

The dragon's wings fluttered, lifting him onto his back legs so he could take a very disgruntled prince into his claws. He shouted at me and the dragon to let him go. We didn't. Jobe launched into the sky. I almost lost my grip, he was so powerful.

"Fuck!" Prince Camden screamed, halting his attempts to fight the dragon's hold. He shot a glare at me instead, ash blonde hair slapping against his face as he did so. I would have been amused if a dragon wasn't hurt. "Fuck you, Kali! This is it! I don't want you as my guide!"

"Tell me something I don't know," I muttered, squeezing my arms around a horn. My feet found holds against the joints of his wings for support.

We went over the mountain then dove down for the village. From up here, I saw Zellar was backed into a corner by the healing pen where our healers would do checkups or heal the wounds dragons procured from playing or defending themselves in the wild. The pen was a large size, butted up against a cliffside some dragons like to perch on while recovering. This afternoon, however, Zellar was against it, thrashing his tail and hissing at Tallinn, the first tamer on the scene.

Jobe dropped the prince on the ground before landing beside the dragon healing hut where the healers had gathered to watch. Thankfully, Amber wasn't among them; I wasn't in the mood to see her stupid smug face.

I slid off Jobe and rushed to my brother's side.

Zellar snarled at my entrance, inducing a scream from Amelia, who I could now see was pressed up against the cliff, doing everything she could to remain small and inconspicuous behind the dragon, which had appeared to have forgotten she was there. Thank Gods for that. Dragons like this were irrational, if he saw her he might think she was trying to sneak up on him and try to kill her.

"What happened?"

Tallinn, whip in hand, glared at me. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be guiding the prince--or did you kill him?"

I gestured at him over my shoulder, disinterested in whatever the prince was doing at the moment. Zellar had all my attention. "Not yet. I won't get the chance, either, he wants to talk to Dad about switching guides."

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