Now Shish

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It was amazing the amount of time I'd managed to spend away from Shayne all this time.

Watching her breathe softly, as she held me to her body was like leisurely drinking a tall glass of water after days in the desert.

"You know you can sleep, right?" Her eyes were closed, her body laying slack in my bed.

"I know," I said, pressing my cheek firmer against her shoulder. 

She must have caught the tiny quiver in my voice because she slit her eyes open and turned to my face.

"I'm not going to leave without saying goodbye, Olivia."

I shrugged. "I know, but after tonight we'll never spend this kind of time together. Nonetheless, it won't stop me from visiting every chance I get." 

"You can't visit forever, you know?"

I immediately sat up. "What does that mean?"

She casually stared up at me as if she just hadn't talked nonsense, but her clenched jaw betrayed her. 

"You know what I mean."

Ready to fight and win, I decided to take a deep breath instead. I didn't want to spend our last moments fighting.

"We'll continue this discussion on my first visit. Agreed?"

She held my gaze for a moment before she pursed her lips. "Agreed. Now..." she said, pulling me down to her and placing a feathery kiss on my neck. It made me giggle and simultaneously sent a shiver down to the place her mouth had been a few moments ago.

Smiling big and wide, I looked down at her with all the love I had. "My body can't possibly survive another orgasm at this point, but..."

I slid my hand to her bare breast, palming it. A flash of fire in her eyes accompanied a sharp intake of air that filled the room.

"...yours can," I breathed.

She chuckled low and rough, strain lining her face and voice. "You're crafty, you know that?" She brushed her knuckles across my cheek. "I haven't been touched in a long time."

"I know, but I want you to remember tonight the same way I will. You can tell me to stop whenever you want," I said, fascination and excitement thrilling my nerves.

She swallowed. "Okay."

I smiled at her reassuringly before rolling onto her, earning a groan of approval. Her hands instantly moved to grip my bare ass.

Despite the amazing feeling of having our naked bodies pressed together, I needed to concentrate. "I've never done this before and I can't focus with your hands on me."

With visible reluctance she released me and buried her hands under her head instead, her jaw tight.

I smirked, drunk with the sight of her so vulnerable yet so powerful.

Slowly, I slid down her body, laying soft wet kisses along her neck and shoulders. Without hesitation, I circled a nipple with my tongue and looked up at her. Her teeth were bared, the veins in her arms and forearms popping out.

"Should I stop?"

She shut her eyes briefly. "No"

"Good," I said, abruptly placing my hand between us and sliding my hand over her mound, straight away finding the bundle of nerves there.

"Shit!" She made to get away from under me, but I beat her to it by closing my mouth around her nipple and at once stroking my hand against her, increasing the pace by the second.

She hardened up like steel and gripped my hair tightly. She looked at nothing else but my eyes as labored breaths left her mouth.

A few seconds later, to my absolute delight, her brows drew together as a hard quiet curse escaped her lips. She was coming.

I'd never witnessed anything so beautiful while I watched her ride out her orgasm. Like shuttered glass, the stiffness in her body collapsed as she began to come down from her high.

I got off of her and gave her a moment, my smile failing to melt away.

Just as I was about to say something, she got up and left the bed, striding to the bathroom without missing a beat.

I immediately sat up, my fingers going to my mouth before resisting the urge to bite my nails. I'd messed up somehow.

She didn't close the door behind her so I could see her enter the shower, her naked body only a blur through the glazed glass.

The shower turned on and didn't turn off for a long time. I debated on whether to join her or not, but something told me she needed the time alone.

After what felt like a lifetime, I started to doze off, my eyes on Shayne while I succumbed to much needed sleep.

Somewhere along the night, I felt her arms snake around me.

Heavy with sleep, I said, "Shayne, are you okay?"

Her lips placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I'm okay. Now shish, let's sleep, okay?"


"I love you. You'll just have to forgive me."

A knock woke me.

I moaned against the disturbance, turning under the covers only to feel the harshness of the sun's rays pierce through my eyes.

Adrenaline so strong it made my heart skip beats made me jolt up in bed.

I frantically looked around me. No Shayne.

Almost stumbling to the floor to get out of bed, I checked the bathroom and found it empty.

I grabbed a robe and wrapped it around myself, taking careful steps out of my bedroom. "Shayne?" My voice was already breaking.

The knock came again, followed by Christina's voice. "Olivia?"

The guest bedroom was empty, so was the rest of the apartment.

My bottom lip quivered but I didn't let a single tear fall as I went to open the door.

"Jeez, I thought you'd passed out or somethi...Hey, what's wrong?" Christina said, seeing the tear that finally fell.

With the effort to reign in the emotion, my body began to shake. I vaguely registered Christina embracing me.

All I could feel was the crushing sorrow and the oh so impenetrable anger.

She didn't say goodbye.


You're more than welcome to call me out on my absence, I completely deserve it.

I hope everyone's fine however. A happy new year to you all! 

We're almost approaching the end, guys, we've come such a long way.

Vote, comment and read again if you must.

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