49. Curse

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An unmarried woman was cursed that all the kids she would give birth to would turn into killers. So all the men in her town refused to marry her. She escaped the town and started living in a new place. A strikingly handsome guy fell in love with her and they got married but she kept her little secret to herself.

Soon she gave birth to a baby boy and named him Josh. She did everything she could do to grow Josh into a gentleman. He became a doctor and got married to a beautiful woman named Ilsa. He became a successful surgeon and no patient who was operated on by him had ever died.

Josh's mother fell sick and decided to tell Ilsa her secret. Ilsa promised her that she would carry the responsibility from there. Ilsa and Josh lived in peace, growing their children into well-mannered young adults.

One fine morning, Josh had a severe heartache and he stopped breathing. His family hosted a decent funeral and buried him. A couple of hours later, Josh suddenly started breathing. With all his might, he managed to stick his hand above the ground and tried to call for help. An old man who watched over the graveyard saw this and instantly died in shock. Soon after him, Josh suffocated to death.

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