58 ~ The Best Wedding Night

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Rajvardhan POV

All set for my big day, I was waiting for her to arrive at the holy mandap.

The last few days passed in hurry and so much work as I didn't get any chance to even see her.

I didn't know but the moment was filling me with some kind of completeness and happiness. I could feel the peace inside me.

Suddenly, I heard the giggles of the ladies and lifted my gaze to see her approaching slowly.

She was looking mesmerizing that made me feel skipped a few of my heartbeats. Her face was covered with a veil and she slowly climbed the three stairs of mandap.

The head priest asked her to sit beside me.

Just looking at her in the bridal attire she wore for me was filling me with some kind of responsibility and love.

"You are looking beautiful,"

I muttered slowly only audible to her while the priest started chanted the mantras.

"You too,"

My lips curved in a smile hearing her slow voice.

After a few of rituals like chanting a few mantras after the priest and putting the ghee and aahuti in the lagan mandap. We were asked for the holy rounds.

I remembered all the vows I had taken with her on that night. It was the time to change her world and fill it with immense love and love only.

We both stood up and the priest asked to take the seven promises.

I remembered all my cursing vows and felt ashamed for them from the bottom of my heart.

The priest said the first vow and we repeated after him.

"In the first vow, the groom says I will provide welfare and happiness for you and the children that we bear and you shall offer me food and help whenever it is required. In response to this, the bride promises to be responsible for the complete household management," 

My heart was beating fast while we were taking the holy rounds around the sacred fire.

I was literally having goosebumps seeing Abhi walking beside me and becoming mine. Becoming the Queen of Mahabaleshgarh.

The people around us were throwing flower petals towards us and specially Maa Saheb, who was almost dancing in joy. The moment was like heaven to me.

The priest chanted the second vow.

"In the second vow, the groom says that together, we will protect our children and home, and the bride in return promises to stand with her husband as his strength and courage. She pledges to rejoice in his happiness and in return, demands him to be loyal to her,"

I repeated my lines after him and Abhi also agreed for her part. Her voice was slow, beautiful and mesmerizing.

The process continues with the five more vows of respect, loyalty, love, trust, care, sharing of happiness and sadness, blessings, staying beside each other for a lifetime.

the last vow needed to be taken by her and I heard her sweet voice as she said.

"I will take care of you and promise to protect you from every evil eye,"

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