27. A Confession

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Hey guys I'm back to updating! I've edited this entire book and my other one my bestfriends with benefits (go check it out!). Sory for the longish wait, personal stuff has been going on, mainly mental health problems, and I've been having long periods off social media. Anyways I hope you guys had a great easter break (I go back to school in 3 days).


What's your favourite social media app? (If you have any ofc)

Mine is probably tiktok even though it's getting quite toxic now sadly

Stay safe and enjoy the chapter! x

I stare at the message.




Theres no way that true. Maybe the chat last night finally triggered something and he dumped the bitch. Thank God he saw sense finally, even though I did say it quite harshly. I message Daisy back and put my phone away, processing it all.

Y: 'No way would he break up with Mia for me'

I get a response a few minutes later but dont bother to answer it. I suddenly get 4 notifications, one after the other, and sigh at my phone. Cant I just get some peace for once? It's the reason I'm here. I sigh and open my phone again.


Daisy (1)

Josh (4)

Of course it was Josh. What did he want now. I open Daisy's message first and it's a screenshot of a conversation with her and Josh.

J: 'Just wanted to let you know that I broke up with Mia, if you could tell Blair cause I dont wanna invade her personal space right now, x'

D: 'Oh wow I'm sorry Josh, is there any specific reason you guys broke up? You obviously dont have to tell me if you dont want to. I'm sure you can tell Blair yourself but I will tell her if you want, shes waiting for you to go to her x'

J: 'Blairs the reason we broke up. Not in a bad way but I snook into yours last night and we had a long talk and she made me realise alot of stuff, like how Mias with me for my money, not love and how awful I really was to her. I'll message her now thanks Daisy x'

I read the screenshot and smile. As soon Daisy knows I've seen the screenshot, she messages.

D: 'Is that enough proof that Josh broke up with Mia for you? Cause if its not then I dont know what is'

I smile and respond.

Y: 'At least he saw sense with Mia thank God, even though I was quite harsh about it. Also thanks for the clothes I've kind of stole cause I have none at yours lol x'

D: 'Yeah, not as good of a couple as you two would be, just saying lol. Its completely fine! I was obviously gonna let you anyway, do they fit ok? Also Josh told me he messaged you a few times, have you looked at them yet? x'

Y: 'Well of course you'd say that Daisy! Yeah they fit good thanks, no I'm lowkey scared to open them lmao x'

D: 'Oh go open them! It might be really good! Miss girl I'll come find you and open them myself if you dont'

I giggle.

Y: 'Alright fine give me a minute'

I tap off Daisy's messages and see 4 new messages from Josh. I take a deep breath and open them.

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