Marks I don't recognize, again

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They looked into my eyes with a sense of hope I couldn't deserve

I said I am ok and that I am fine with a sense of hope I didn't know I had

They told me that my eyes looked beautiful filled with hope

But who will tell them that they are not filled with hope but tears and guilt

I once told myself that I looked pretty cool with a hopeful smile on my face

I don't deserve the flower filled gardens nor the tiny little butterflies

I know I don't deserve any of it but still they continued to look at me with the same hope which I know I can't keep

They wished for my well being while I tired not to cut myself




And the list does on as I bleed and bleed and bleed

People bleed red but I bleed blue and purple

I don't remember which color exactly but I know I am hurt but still smile so that they didn't noticed

I don't want them to know that their hope is no more

I hoped for a better something but that hope in me is dead

They don't want them dead

I don't want them dead

They told me I looked cute but I know I looked cute I told the same to myself multiple times but still no use

I looked in the mirror naked with fear in my eyes

I looked like a monster, like the ones in movies disgusting and gross

So many mark I don't even recognise them

When, where, how and why did those marks creeped up onto my skin

Coloring them in purple, blue, red and black

Some fresh some deep some new marks I don't recognise

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